Like an Open Journal on the Dotted Lines

Symone Ranaye
2 min readFeb 1, 2021


Me at the park celebrating my wedding anniversary in 2020. I can’t believe I wore a white dress on green grass.

I wish I could write about all these wonderful moments I’ve experienced in my life. Like the day I swam in my aunt’s pool for the first time or perhaps my wedding day. Both began with butterflies and ended with laughter and happiness. I sometimes wish I could speak on when I decided it was time to take my writing seriously, but I’m sure anyone wants to read about that. But I might tell it anyway. Writing has always been easy for me for many reasons, but the main reason has always been because it’s therapeutic.

Since the age of 11, I knew I wanted to be a writer. Teachers always submitted my work in writing competitions and would rave about how much of an awesome writer I’d be some day when presenting me with an award. My creativity has always been out of this world and even at the age of 11, it just never made sense as to where my wild imagination would take me.

My passion for journalism didn’t come into fruition until 8th grade. My father hounded me daily about what I wanted to be and I always responded with, “I don’t know maybe I’ll be a writer”. He’d smile and say, “That’s not good enough. I need more details”. Twelve years later and here I am, still writing and still taking charge over my imagination.

I’ve worked with Antelope Valley Times as an investigative reporter, an assistant to a public relations director who worked with major celebrities, and my favorite, I have been blogging for roughly five years now running a successful website. On my blog I speak on various experiences such as marriage, beauty and lifestyle tips. It’s been such an amazing journee.

My father hounded me daily about what I wanted to be and I always responded with, “I don’t know maybe I’ll be a writer”. He’d smile and say, “That’s not good enough. I need more details”.

Outside of writing, I am a makeup artist. I love to express myself with bright colored eye shadow, long lashes, and massive highlight because I mean who doesn’t love to glow? Makeup is more than enhancing my beauty, but it is all about having creative control over all my content. I’m all for building brands and setting trends; however for the time being I am content with being a fabulous writer. I’m Symone and this was my Ted Talk.

Me on 4th of July. This was my absolute favorite makeup look and was a complete off guard. Makeup is amazing.

